Sunday, January 2, 2022

The True Reason behind Christmas

I know most people dont question their personal faith, because they are either afraid of what the results may bring or they are afraid to blaspheme or see that the truth will force them to walk away.

With that in mind.... what is the real reason why people celebrate the birth of Jesus in Dec, and more precisely Dec 25?

Many say..., "Jesus is the reason for the season." However, is the date truly rooted in Jesus' birth or more likely rooted in Roman paganism to mask over heathen celebrations?

The gospels, and the whole New Testament is silent of the time and day of when Jesus was really born. That is a fact and 100% of all historians and theologians know this.

Paul, was the first author of the NT... and the most prolific.... in Romans 1:1-3 Paul claims that Jesus was conceived by a normal sexual union...  and at the time when he was writing, the made up stories of the 2 separate versions of the virgin birth stories were not invented yet.

Let me digress on the 2 different virgin stories...

In these two accounts, however, there are no hints that it is cold, nor winter, especially when the shepherds are out tending their flocks.

So.... where did the December 25 date come from or how did it originate.

Most likely it is associated with the pagan worship of the Sun. The winter Solstice typically falls on Dec 21...

In the Roman world, they celebrated Saturnalia and Juvenalia.... but in the 4th century... the time when the date of Jesus' so called, "birth" was given by the church elders.... The celebration of  "Sol Invictus" was observed, due to the normal.wunter solstice and the worship of the sun

"Sol Invictus" was pushed by Emperor Aurelian, who ruled in 270 AD. A longer name to this celebration is "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti  (“Birth of the Undefeated Sun”)."

Along with this was the cult of Mithras.

Here is a quote,
"By a decree of March 7, 321 CE Emperor Constantine the Great introduced Sunday as the official holiday Sol Invictus – dies Solis.

Sol Invictus, falling on December 25, is first authenticated in 354 CE Church at the end of the 4th century CE rewrote the celebration of Christmas on this day. It is widely claimed that the December 25th date for Christmas was chosen to deliberately remove and replace the Roman festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (“Birth of the Undefeated Sun”). However, this claim is heavily criticized."

Not sure about this quote... but Sol worship was accepted and pushed by Emperor Aurelian and it was at the time of the Solstice, Dec 21.

Dec 25 is hard to prove as a decree from Aurelian. Keep in mind, they were using the flawed Julian calendar, and apparently/possibly the winter solstice was on Dec 25, at one point, but due to their ill math figures the calendar was updated centuries later, giving us the Gregorian Calendar... so if true, or close enough.... this is why it is on the 25th, and not on the 21st.

Thus, Jesus is NOT the real reason for the season. Christmas originally is just a mask to cover over a national pagan holiday of sun worship.


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