Saturday, January 1, 2022

Early Jewish church & Jesus


Dude, as a friend.... I'm just stating things. 

Many so called Christians go through life without questioning anything, without digging, just sheeple following the lead of falsehood. These posts are not anti-Jesus. They are pro-historical Jesus and the beliefs before the Pauline doctrine was promoted by the Gentile Church that had no clue about Jesus' culture and biblical traditions and any genuine tanach prophesy versus some invented prophesy that doesnt exist in our books.

These topics are too deep for most; blasphemous for others, because i question and pry handed down Gentile traditions that have no founding.

Historical scholars seek into the historical Jesus, not the fake god man that the gentile church invented between 90 AD to 400 AD. Where they also condemned the truth and burned any books that countered their beliefs. 

Origen, a church father in 200 AD even complained over the fact Christian Scribes are tainting the bible by changing up words, adding phrases and deleting statements. 

Even Greek philosophers complained that Christians of the time were not intellectually honest, because they would change their own scripture in order to win debates. These ARE historical facts.

As said, and proving it in Acts 21-24 and Gal 1 & 2. Paul converted in year 0041, in year 0058 he was arrested, which is Acts 21. From the year 0033 to 0058, 25 years went by and according to Acts 21.... the original church, a pure Jewish Church knew nothing of the Grace doctrine that Paul promoted to the Gentiles and outside of Israel, but Paul was all to eager to fake about still keeping the Torah while in Israel. The whole original church still kept the Torah as before. All 11 apostles did and all the other disciples, there was no existence of a "saved by grace" message or doctrine. James, the very brother of Jesus was head of the original church by the NT accounts and early church writings. 

So how is it.... that the 11 apostles, James and all the original church, still kept the Torah, didnt believe in the virgin birth gentile stories, but deemed him born and conceived naturally and still continued in their other normal Jewish ways and laws? 

You don't know, because you are a part of the problem, going through life taking the easy path of a false Jesus and a false salvation path. Rooted in a so called "apostle" that claimed he met  Jesus on the road to Damascus in some vision and was taught by "revelation" his message, which totally and 100%-ly contradicted anything and everything of all those that actually followed Jesus, saw him die and heard his teachings. For 25 years they walked in their Judaism after the crucifixion. Thus, indicating nothing was to change. 

Gentiles dont know and didnt know the ways of El, of Moses and the prophets, thus it was very easy for Paul to gain simple converts who dont know biblical ways. 

The Tanach, by the way, is the only Bible in those days, before and immediately after Jesus' death.

You are on a false road, its okay if you want to stay there, you are a free agent. I chose and have always chosen to seek the truth, not follow the mainstream simply because it is popular or that the majority of elders, preachers, bishops and priests say something,  but dont honestly seek the truth. 

Brain washed sheeple is a fake way of life, life might be a "ignorance is bliss" type of thing cuz they think they are blessed and chosen and redeemed. Reality will prove other wise.

Dec 16, 2021


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