Sunday, January 2, 2022

Making the point, Life before Paul

Can I make a very crude example between the original group of Jesus followers with the original facebook..... vs. How things changed once Paul came on the seen 25 long years after Jesus was crucified and Paul gave rise or invented his "grace" message that the original group knew nothing about?

25 years is a long time, all the original believers kept observing their Judaic heritage and kept practicing the Torah, like the Pharisees and Saduccees were. That is if the Book of Acts has any truth to it.

The original facebook is nothing like the facebook of today. The original was for college students/friends at Harvard University. That is the original, a far cry of today.... the same goes for the "church...."

Now that we made our point, the difference is this...

When it comes to the "church" or the body of true believers.... the original is the only version that Jesus wanted and set up. 

Not what some so-called "disciple" named Paul claimed who never heard Jesus, nor saw him. In fact, by his own admission.... he never even 'learned" his theology from the other apostles. He merely claimed he learned it by some revelation!!!! Haaaahaaa

"I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin.  I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ," Galatians 1:11-12.

Soooo, if he never walked with Jesus, never heard from Jesus, never heard from any of the apostles, nor heard from Jesus' very own brother... why do people bother listening to him?

In fact, out of the 13 supposed letters by Paul....

he doesn't even write about the historical Jesus, except for one little passage that was supposedly said at the last supper. Something, that would bolster his doctrine, but nothing else is mentioned concerning Jesus.

In truth, Paul just promotes what Jesus'  death supposedly occomplished. 


Dec 10, 2021

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