Monday, November 25, 2019

Complete List of Kosher Animals • by Maregaal

Below is a complete list of all or most of the land animals that are deemed "kosher" by the biblical laws found in Leviticus 11 and Deut 14.

The Torah itself, however, doesn't give us any such list.

An easier way than what the Torah gives us to determine whether or not an animal is kosher is simply by looking at it's head. Whether it has horns or not, for all "kosher" animals have horns.

When you are out hunting or in a field a long ways off, it is hard to see whether or not the animal has a split hoof and also chews the cud as what the Torah requires.

Nope, the easier way is to see whether or not they have horns or if their specie has horns. For all "kosher" land animals have horns.

So here is that list:

1) Addex
2) African buffalo
3) Alcelaphine
4) Antelope
5) Berg Sentrum
6) Bison
7) Blackbuck
8) Bluebuck
9) Bongo
10) Bushbuck
11) Caribou
12) cow
13) Deer
14) Dik Dik
15) Eland
16) Elk
17) Gazelle
18) Genenuk
19) Giraffe
20) Goats
21) Hartebeest
22) Hippotragus
23) Ibex
24) Impala
25) Klipspringer
26) Lechwe
27) Markhor
28) Moose
29) Mouflon
30) Muntjac Deer
31) Musk Ox
32) Nyala
33) Okapi
34) Oryx
35) Oribi
36) Pronghorn
37) Pudu
38) Reedbuck
39) Rhebok
40) Roan Antelope
41) Sable
42) Saiga
43) Sheep
44) Sitatunga/marshbuck
45) Springbok
46) Takin
47) Thomson's Gazelle
48) Tibetan Antelope
49) Tufted Deer
50) Water Buffalo
51) Wildebeest
52) Waterbuck
53) Yak

This is simply a list of the kosher land animals. I don't get into the details of biblical law that might deem a "kosher" animal forbidden to eat, due to certain circumstances. A small example would be...  If a foreigner sacrificed a cow to their particular deity, you must not eat that meat.

I might add those laws later.

Thank you.


I will have a small list of aquatic animals or fish that are kosher and what is commonly eaten that isn't kosher

Here is a small list of common unkosher aquatic life people eat:



Complete list of kosher animals
Kosher animals
List of kosher animals

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